Entrance Auditions

Entrance Auditions

May 30, 2025 3:00 PM
St John's Cathedral, 127 E. 12th Ave.

Entrance Auditions for the 2025-2026 season will take place on May 30, 31, and June 1 at St. John's Cathedral, 127 E. 12th Ave.

Strings: Friday, May 30, 3:30-6 pm and Saturday, May 31, 9 am-12 pm - Strings Audition Signup Link

Sinfonietta: Saturday, May 31, 12-3 pm and Sunday, June 1, 3-6 pm - Sinfonietta Audition Signup Link

Philharmonic: Friday, May 30, 3-6 pm and Saturday, May 31, 9 am-12 pm - Philharmonic Audition Signup Link

Symphony Orchestra (SYSO): Saturday May 31, 9 am-1 pm and Sunday, June 1, 3-7 pm - SYSO Audition Signup Link