Strings and Sinfonietta School Tour

Jennifer O'Bannan
May 12, 2024

Our string orchestras, Spokane Youth Strings and Spokane Youth Sinfonietta, went on tour to perform at two local schools on Tuesday, May 7th. Thanks to a Community Grant from the Innovia Foundation, our orchestras were able to go to Evergreen Middle School and perform for the music students there. They also performed at Libby Center for the full student body. The students at both schools were enthusiastic audiences. We want to thank the teachers and administrations of Evergreen and Libby for welcoming us to their schools!

SYS Office Location:
601 W. Maxwell Ave., Suite #1
Spokane, WA 99201

Mailing Address:
Spokane Youth Symphony
PO Box 9547
Spokane, WA 99209

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am-2:30 pm
(or by appointment)

Phone: 509-448-4446
© 2024 Spokane Youth Symphony. All rights reserved.